How to heat your home.

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With each passing year we get more and more heating options for our homes. And with this – making the right choice can seem harder.

That’s why in this article we will try to synthesize all the advantages and disadvantages of the more famous types of heating, which are divided into several categories – heating with electricity, solid fuel, centralized heating, gas and solar panels. Regardless of this article, before purchasing anything examine carefully all types, so that you can decide which option is best suited for your individual needs.

Electrical heating:

The cheapest option for heating with electricity is usually the air conditioning. The main advantage of an AC is its versatility – except for heating during the winter months, it also serves for cooling in the summer. If you have already decided that you want to heat your home with an AC, check this article we wrote earlier for choosing an AC. For here we’ll just say that you mostly need to look at the AC’s power and volume before purchasing it.

  • Pros of air conditioners – they are easy to maintain, they warm up the room quickly and are used for cooling during the summer months.
  • Cons of air conditioners – if you’ve chosen the wrong model or you haven’t maintained it well enough, it can freeze during the winter. Also – with larger rooms an AC can turn from a rather cheap into a quite expensive option.

Heating with solid fuel:

Solid fuel is a great way to heat large homes, but it also requires a room for storing the fuel itself – usually a basement. That’s why this option is often a bit dirty and engaging. Yet, if done properly it can be very cost-effective. Additionally, it does contribute to the domesticity of your home.

  • Pros of solid fuel – efficient option for heating large homes.
  • Cons solid fuel – Time-consuming and dirty.

Central heating:

Various reviews can be found about this type of heating. Quality central heating depends on many circumstances – where you live, on what floor is your apartment, what radiators you have, etc., etc. Also add the little economic detail that its price constantly changes. One more major drawback is that your heating sometimes depends on your neighbors. Another detail that should not be overlooked is that in the first cold days of winter you sometimes have to use other means for heating while the system kicks in. All those variables aside, if the circumstances are right, central heating can be a very good and economic option.

  • Pros of centralized heating – constant temperature, hot water, easy to manage, can be cheap.
  • Cons vapor – less reliable, prices may rise, you can’t use it anywhere.

Heating with gas:

Heating with gas is usually high quality, clean and mostly inexpensive. The catch here is that the initial investment for it can be quite sizable. Gas uses copper pipes and high-quality boilers are not affordable for everyone. Another detail is that gas is not always available everywhere – in less populated areas and sometimes even in cities, it can be rare. An advantage of this type of heating is that, in addition to maintaining good temperature, it may also be used for cooking, i.e. – another opportunity to save money.

  • Pros of gas – cheap, clean and usually – with high quality.
  • Cons of gas – an expensive initial investment, inability to use in all locations.

Solar panels:

Solar panels are still a bit unpopular way of heating. The initial investment for solar panels can also be massive. Another factor is that you need a roof facing the sun. However, once installed the solar panels can really quickly make-up for the investment as both heating and hot water can become very cheap.

  • Pros of solar panels – extremely cheap in the long run, clean and high quality heating.
  • Cons of solar panels – a huge (impossible for some households) initial investment.

And that covers most of the major points about the different ways to heat your home. We hope it’s of help! Check out the rest of for other, more in-detail guides and information!